User Badges

Earn badges for high stats, anniversaries, and more!

Blingee Connect Facebook Achievement
Blingee Connect Windows Live/Hotmail Achievement
Blingee Custom Hompage Achievement
Blingee Plus Achievement
Gifts Achievement: 10 gifts sent
Gifts Achievement: 5 gifts sent
Gifts Achievement: 1 gift sent
Spotlight Achievement: 1000 times
Spotlight Achievement: 750 times
Spotlight Achievement: 500 times
Spotlight Achievement: 400 times
Spotlight Achievement: 300 times
Spotlight Achievement: 200 times
Spotlight Achievement: 100 times
Spotlight Achievement: 50 times
25 friends successfully invited to
15 friends successfully invited to
10 friends successfully invited to
5 friends successfully invited to
1 friend successfully invited to
Spotlight Achievement: 25 times
Spotlight Achievement: 15 times
Spotlight Achievement: 10 times
Spotlight Achievement: 5 times
Spotlight Achievement: 1 time

Featured badges

Blingee Custom Hompage Achievement Blingee Custom Hompage Achievement

Create a Blingee Custom Homepage with your Blingees!

Best Anime Blingee Competition Rank #1 Best Anime Blingee Competition Rank #1

Rank 1st in a Best Anime Blingee Competition

1 friend successfully invited to 1 friend successfully invited to Blin...

Invite your friends to join with you! You will earn this badge after 1 of your friend...